Review: Blended, A workbook for blended families

I think a lot of you will be familiar with Summer Butler. She has a strong social media presence and is the founder of Blended Book Co. which includes writing, speaking and chapters. I recently had the pleasure of getting to know her work and she kindly sent me a copy of her book - Blended.

Blended: Aligning the Hierarchy of Heart + Home is a devotional and workbook. There are questions to guide your thoughts at the end of each chapter. As a paper nerd, I'll tell you the cover feels so soft! It's a thin book with a fun cover. White background, very light and bright feeling. Summer is on the front with a fun outfit and great shoes.

I'm going to be honest right at the start. I think I had some preconceived ideas about this book. That it would be light reading, maybe another social media influencer who had thoughts on how I should be a stepmom. This is not that book!

Summer Butler came to preach to us today. This book is well done. It's very difficult to tell your stepmom story and keep it about you. In these public spaces like social media, blogging or writing a book, keeping that level of privacy for the rest of your blended family is difficult. But Summer manages to do that. She tells us some very real narratives, which I know many of you will love and relate to. But she finds that balance of keeping it about herself or her own marriage.

She also comes in strong pointing us back to Jesus. Now you know I loved that. At every turn, Summer shares her heart, her journey of faith. And she keeps turning us right back to God in our blended family. As I've said before, I don't know how people do this life without Jesus! And think that is Summer's point. To do this life and this remarriage well, you need Jesus. Through personal narrative and thought provoking questions, she will take you on a heart journey.

I would like to direct you to Week 5 in particular. You will connect with this book all along the way. Week 5 made of think of people I know need this book in their hands. They need to hear this message for their marriage or parenting struggle. Grab a copy of the book and dive in.

Summer, thanks for the review copy. I was so delighted and encouraged to read it.