This is the ministry I needed as a young stepmom - I still need it!

You can go anywhere on the internet and get some kind of support. There are plenty of stepmom groups on Facebook, you can post whatever is going on – why you are angry. And you’ll have a hundred comments of people angry right along with you.  I wanted to be able to share what was going on and have another stepmom say, "Hey, I’m praying for you, here’s a Christian resource that really helped us." I wanted a place of hope and prayer. I hope that’s what we are today.

This morning I woke up to a winter wonderland. I'm sure you've heard the saying "No two snowflakes are exactly alike." It reminded me of YOU! While all of us here are stepmoms and connected by that common thread, our situations and experiences can be very different. I love that in this group - we also have the common thread of faith . So while our stories and problems may take all different shapes, we approach with one common theme - the heart of Christ.

Each year we choose a verse as our theme in The Joyful Stepmom. For 2021, our theme verse was Hebrews 10:24: "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds." 
Emily Jordan is the author of The Blended Family Devotional for Couples and Questions for Christian Couples Journal.
Both published by Callisto Media and now distributed by Simon & Schuster.

Your support and reviews mean so much. 

“The Questions for Christian Couples Journal allows couples to reflect on their marriage as they sojourn together with Christ. The journal questions offer an opportunity for couples to engage in thoughtful, healthy conversation.
I love the opportunity for spontaneity and the nuggets of scriptural wisdom in the questions. This journal is a definite resource for marriage and family ministry!” —Vanessa Kiser, minister to children and family at First Baptist Church, Carmi, IL

“If you are a couple in a blended family, you are in for a treat. This book (The Blended Family Devotional for Couples) is like giving your relationship a hug. Filled with the realities of living in a stepfamily and antidotes, you will be affirmed and encouraged. Take the time to invest in your marriage by reading this ‘hug!’” —Gil and Brenda Stuart, speakers, authors and owners of Restored & Remarried

“My husband and I are having fun using Emily Jordan's Questions for Christian Couples. We both feel this book is helpful in bringing couples closer together by asking and answering the quick, fun questions each day. We both highly recommend this book for couples at all stages in their relationship, whether they’re dating, just married, or long-timers! We’ve been together for 11 years and we’re learning new things about each other through these thought-provoking questions. We both look forward to reading the new question of the day each day, and it only takes a few minutes. This is a great tool for fostering communication and bringing life, fun, and enjoyment into your relationship.” —Tanya Phillips, teacher and writer at Blended by His Grace