Away for the Summer

I see you. You made it through the school year! But while many are excited for the pool, summer camp, and lazy days, your house is too quiet. You thought the break would be nice! But it's also filled with anxiety and that feeling of missing a limb. 

Now what? What are you supposed to do while the kids are away visiting the other parent? Let's talk.

Pray for them. When my stepson is away, I go in his room and sit on the floor to pray for him. I pray he's having a good day, that he's surrounded by good people and friends. Ok, maybe I cry a little. It's ok to miss them! Entrust them to the Father while they are gone. 

Take care of you. This is a good time for renewal. Get that mani/pedi, call your girlfriend. Maybe even call a therapist for a little emotional check up. Take of you so you can take care of others. 

Care for your spiritual health. Go to church, Spend some concentrated time in the Bible. Join us in the Facebook Community for our War Room study this summer. 

Recharge your marriage! Marriage should be our top priority, but it takes a beating in stepfamilies. Go on a date night together! Get away for a weekend. Check out couples counseling or a marriage class your church offers. Take this time to reconnect. 

Sending hugs, Stepmoms. May you have a beautiful summer! 





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