Where You Go, I Go

The Joyful Stepmom 2016 Verse of the Year
Ruth 1:16 β€‹"Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay." This verse is a promise between women. A promise between Ruth and Naomi. It shows their bond and devotion to each other. I feel it is an amazing example of the bond between stepmoms. 

The women in The Joyful Stepmom Facebook Group show incredible love and support for each other as Christian sisters. It is such a joy to see these friendships grow in Christ. Praying for 2016 as we all grow in Him! 
Testimony from a sweet stepmom, S. Olson. 

​One year ago I was totally alone on my stepmom journey. 7 years of Loyalty struggles, abuse allegations, PAS, and day to day conflict consumed my life. I was exhausted and so very alone. God lead me to search for fellowship in online stepmom groups. However, I had done this before and wound up participating in groups that were full of their own conflicts and power struggles. No thank you. This time God lead me to a small group called The Joyful Stepmom. Joyful? Who are these crazy women??? I soon found out they were authentic, loving, committed and Christ seeking. They were my sisters. They were you.

And God said, "Merry Christmas my child, these women are your gift from me. "
I still deal with conflict regularly in my stepfamily. But I know I am not alone. I now handle conflict prayerfully and DH and my step kids have followed my example. Over the past year this group has breathed new life into my family. It saved me. It saved us.

Our group has grown and changed but its integrity has not. I know we will continue to focus on supporting each other and taking shelter in the Word. I praise God for so many blessings this year, but this group is at the top of my list. It has literally CHANGED MY LIFE. I thank each one of you amazing women. Your stories of hurt, praise, and everything in between are doing big things here.

God bless you all.





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