Watching Our Words

By Emily

I lead a Facebook group for Christian stepmoms. It is something that sort of fell into my lap and a tremendous honor to serve stepfamilies. I am forever humbled that women will share their hearts in our group and love that we can come together in prayer.

However, one thing is very clear and a lot of Christian bloggers address this- Social media can turn into a big dumping ground. It's easy to jump online and rattle off your emotions and then just leave.  And stepfamilies have a LOT of emotions!

One guideline I have in my home and the Facebook group, there will be no bashing of the mom, your husband, your kids. We all know words come out quickly, but they can have lasting impact. Even online. I have two reasons for this guideline. 1) Posting negative junk about these people in your family does not lead to healing or healthy relationship.  2) Once you post, the bitterness or anger spreads. Your intention is to just "vent" and feel better. But someone else reads that negative post and it affects them. It hits their heart.

Ephesians 4:31 says "Get rid of all bitterness, rage, anger..." It does not say pass it on to your fellow Christian for them to carry. Hand it over to Jesus.

Now I know someone will call me out on this. "How can we give each other support when you say all this?" My dear sisters, you can ask for prayer and share your heart without calling someone crazy, a liar, manipulative and worse. Yes, as Christians we have the great joy of lifting each other up! Of encouraging each other and praying together! Let us strive for something higher, for what we have been called to in His name.

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