Another Way

The Joyful Stepmom verse for 2019
Our verse for this year brings focus back to why we work so hard at The Joyful Stepmom. There are plenty of places online to find advice for stepmoms. Do a search on Facebook and you'll find about a hundred stepmom support groups.

As a Christian, we need to be mindful of how we fill our cup and what we allow into our hearts. The advice of the world is very different from the guidance of God.

When injustice happens in your stepfamily, the world will call you to anger and revenge. During a hard time in your marriage, the world will tell you to walk the front door and never look back. Kids giving you a hard time?  The world tells you to give it right back to them, you don't need that kind of attitude in your life. Get what you deserve.

Jesus calls you to something greater, harder and FAR more rewarding.

As we round out the year and look to 2020, take stock. Is there are an area of your stepmom life where you need a little less world and little more Jesus?

Your marriage - pray for and with your husband. Don't know where to start? Next time you have dinner together ask if you can just say a quick prayer together first. Send him a little text, Hey, I'm praying for you today! Stormie Omartian has a book I highly recommend called The Power of a Praying Wife.

The Kids - Struggling to connect? Just smile, make an effort to smile at them and start there. Take an interest in something they like to do or something about their day. Quick story - one year when our son was young, he didn't like talking about personal stuff so I just asked about his school lunch. Every weekend he would eagerly tell me what he had for lunch every day, what he liked about it... or not. We even started looking up what children in other countries eat for lunch at school! Start small and run with it.

The Mom -  Pray. Always pray for the mother of your children. You all have a big job together!

The worlds runs by ungrace.
Everything depends on what I do. I have to make the shot.
Jesus' kingdom calls us to another way, one that depends not on our performance but his own.

Phillip Yancey, What's So Amazing About Grace?