Stay Planted

I know it's hard, Sister. I know the days are rough and the nights are full of staring at the ceiling with worry. I've had seasons where things are ok...and I hold my breath for that next shoe to fall. And I'm in a season now of just real deep frustration.

Sure, it's easy to say forget it. I can't do it, Lord. It's too hard. You picked the wrong girl!

Who am I to tell the Lord that He picked wrong.

Maybe I was chosen for this. Maybe I landed here and now He is working through me. Either way- I believe as Jesus Loving Stepmoms THIS IS YOUR MISSION FIELD.

Ask Him to give you strength for it. Even in my season right now, I know in my very soul that the Lord's plan is always good and I am sticking with it to see what happens next.

Don't dig up in doubt what you planted in faith.
Elisabeth Elliot