The Joyful Stepmom Story

Let me tell you the story a Facebook group, a community of sisters and a
God that moves in amazing ways. 

I think it's no secret that blended families make up a broad part of our culture today. And stepmoms are right there in the middle. Online communities are an easy outlet for us to search for help, resources, and just not feel alone. As a Christian stepmom, these forums aren't the best for us. But we stay. Because we need some kind of help. 

In 2011, a Facebook group was started for stepmoms to pray. It stayed as a quiet and faithful band of warriors for many years. I was worried when the leader needed to step away. This was the only place I had with my other Christian stepmom sisters. So I committed to just keeping it open. I prayed and dedicated this one spot, "Lord help me keep this one spot open for Christian stepmoms to be together!"

This fall marks two years since that prayer. God has added 1450 stepmoms to our little spot on Facebook. We still pray together for our families. We also do Bible studies together, share testimony and praise. We just started two weeks of prayer together for the mother's of our children. 

This week we changed the name of our group to The Joyful Stepmom: A Christian Ministry. We are acknowledging how faithful God has been! And we want to embrace the ministry He has for us! I don't know what God has in store, but I know it's far better than I could dream up. And we are ready to buckle up and follow!