Guest Post: Better Than Blended

Words- A Badge of Honor

By Rachel Scott of Better Than Blended and The Mom Squad

Although my daughter is only 6, it is clear to us that she is going to be an attorney. I wouldn’t know of any other career that fits her personality better.  She is the child that you have to explain things to in CLEAR detail. She takes everything literally and she will give her siblings a piece of her mind especially when she knows she is right. She questions everything and will NOT let you talk her out of HER truth.

This reality about her became very clear to us following a small group event with some of our church members.

When we arrived at our Pastors house for our small group we were told that we needed to prepare an award for each child in our household. It was the last small group event for the season and they wanted us to end by giving each of our children an award.

How Exciting!

As my husband and I sat down and wrote out awards for each child. We really enjoyed the process and we both saw it as an opportunity for us to give them recognition for things that we appreciated about them.

When the time came for us to present, we presented each child with an award and explained why we gave them that award. I don’t quite remember where my daughter’s award was in the line but I do remember how her face lit up when we presented her with the award. She was given the award for being our “Attorney at Law”. As we talked about why we selected this award for her, her face began to lite up as if we had given her a new toy. She beamed with joy and excitement knowing she had received the award of “Attorney At Law”.

When we returned home, she carried this title with her as a badge of honor. You really would have thought she was the only one that received an award. When someone would ask her a question or give her a suggestion, she would respond and somehow include within her response, “…because I’m an attorney at law”.

After a few days of her saying this, one of the kids finally said, “You don’t even know what that is” and she said in a bold and proud voice, “No, but mommy and daddy gave me that award so that’s what I am”.

What a powerful moment that was for me as a mother.

It was in that moment that I realized the power that our words have over the lives of our children. How God has given us the ability to speak life into our children. How he has given us the ability to speak purpose and destiny into our children. It was absolutely amazing but what stood out to me even more was how she held claim to those words because they came from myself and my husband. Words that came from her step father brought purpose into her life.

As parents and step parents we can build up or break down. We can create life or death with the words we speak into our children and stepchildren. Today I encourage you to choose life so that when you speak into their lives, they will wear your words like a Badge of Honor.

How can you speak life into your children and stepchildren? 

Rachel Scott is the wife to an amazing man named Willie. They have seven children total in their large blended family. She and her husband started off blending just five children (Antonio, Willie III, Autumn, Dominique and Darius) but when they gave birth to Gabrielle, she became number six and Aaron completed the family at number seven. Rachel often humbly states that God has blessed them to “Blend Gracefully”, as their children have interacted with each other as siblings since the day they met.  

Rachel expresses a strong belief in Christ being the foundation of her marriage and family. She enjoys spending quality time with her husband and children and tries to model a lifestyle that reflects that of a Proverbs 31 woman. 

Although Rachel loves to read, she has had a deep love for writing since a young child. She is blessed to have completed her Bachelors of Science in Sociology as well as her Master’s in Business Administration and now works in education. Her Passion is walking alongside other Blended Families so that they will have the tools they need to become stronger as a family.

Please check out Rachels website to learn more about her and her ministry at as well as her contributor blog
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